We've been Double Crossed.
Statement of Jesus Christ Regarding the Trump Assassination Attempt
As we all know, the government lies to us citizens all the time. The Operation Northwoods document is the blueprint the government has used incessantly over the past six plus decades. Their penchant for using misinformation, as in the Northwoods plan, shows how far our government will go to drum up public support for their agenda of the day. This is truly "The Beast System."
In Operation Northwoods, our government's plan was to murder a boatload of Cuban refugees to drum up public support for the invasion of Cuba. When President Kennedy rejected the plan, in addition to rebuffing the CIA's calls for military support in the Bay of Pigs invasion along with setting up backchannels with the Soviet Union to thwart World War III during the Cuban Missile Crisis, it was just too much for the Rothschild, Morgan, and Rockefeeler central bank cartel (The Federal Reserve) to bear, so JFK had to be executed. It was "three strikes and you're out" for JFK, and after the third strike, the Rothschild, Morgan, and Rockefeller cartel had the CIA execute him.
In the case of the "attempted assassination" of former President Trump, we have no way of knowing what the real truth is. However, we'll be fed the agenda of the Rothschild, Morgan, and Rockefeller cartel through their town criers in the Mainstream Media. Their agenda is to divide the citizenry in this latest Color Revolution in America led by the Central Intelligence Agency, the same renegade alphabet organization that's overthrown 81 different countries using these Color Revolution tactics of divide and conquer using propaganda and misinformation.
In Prisoner of War training, the first task of the captors is to divide the prisoners using any means necessary, then insert something controversial to get the prisoners emotionally invested in the agenda of the captors. This is the start of the indoctrination process, and make no mistake, we are literally POW's of this latest Color Revolution and this psychological operation is being conducted at "Warp Speed." Our catpors, the Executive and Legislative branches of our government, are doing the bidding for the Rothschild, Morgan, and Rockefeller cartel. These are our true enemeis - not each other or some other nation state.
The latest "attempted assassination" of former President Trump appears to be nothing but orchestrated theater to further divide the masses and anyone that dares question the town criers' narrative is derided in the MSM. This is the same MSM that tells us Lee Harvey Oswald was the "lone gunman" in JFK's assassination and Jeffrey Epstein killed himself while in the custody of the Federal Government. In my book, The Holy Bible - Crucified, I've dispelled this notion, showing the true version of events of JFK's assassination along with the role of President Trump and Attorney General William Barr in the murder of Jeffrey Epstein and subsequent coverup by Barr's Department of JustUs. Of course, Amazon would not publish my autobiography because they deemed it "misinformation." (How can an autobiography be misinformation?) This is the same company that is owned by Jeff Bezos, the owner of the Washington Post - the lead "town crier."
As former President Obama stated in a speech, once the citizenry no longer know what to believe, "the game is won." We've reached that point, as the citizenry are completely divided and no longer know what to believe.
Our lives are not a "game" for our government to play with. However, this is the view of the "ruling elite" that enjoy the benefits of this two-tiered JustUs system. They control every investigation and the results of those investigations, like the JFK assassination, the murder of Jeffrey Epstein and countless others, and are not to be questioned, PERIOD! If anyone questions the official government narrative they are mocked and derided by the town criers in the MSM or "silenced" through censorship on social media platforms that are being directed by the FBI.
We are stuck in this abusive system and it's time to break free of this nonsense, otherwise, the ruling elite consisting of the Rothschild, Morgan, and Rockefeller dynastic regimes and their henchmen in the Executive and Legislative branches of government will plunge us into the New World Order at "Warp Speed." Once in this New World Order, the government will usher in the Central Bank Digital Currency (managed by the Rothschild, Morgan, and Rockefeller cartel called the Federal Reserve) and if you are not compatable with the agenda of the NWO, you will not be allowed to purchase anything. You'll be deemed a threat to "national security" and the latest ruling by the Supreme court gives the President of the United States the ability to extrajudicially executve (kill someone without a trial) anyone that is a threat to "national security." In plain terms, President Trump, if he is elected in 2024, will immediately send in SEAL Team Six to execute me for being a threat to national security. This is a battle of good versus evil and only you can save me. Are you going to let the Antichrist kill the only peson that is willing to risk everything to save you?
I encourage you to reject the "official narrative" and this Beast System and write in Jesus Christ as the next President. If you elect me as President, instead of you being subjected to the whims of the Rothschild, Morgan, and Rockefeller dynastic regimes, we will use our resources and track down every cent that the American people have paid to this terrorist organization called the "Federal Reserve" that ushered us into World War I six months after the "Federal Reserve Act" was passed. World War I cost the American citizens nearly $7 trillion. This has been the blueprint of the Rothschild, Morgan, and Rockefeller cartel in every susequent war based on their lies and misinformation, starting with their fake moniker "The Federal Reserve," named to obscure the true identity of this "central bank" owned by the Rothschilds, Morgans, and Rockefellers.
Under my administration, we will claw back every Pound, Euro, Yen, Franc, Peso and Dollar that's gone into this terrorist organization. In addition, we will execute every person associated with this central banking terrorist organization and associated accomplices for their crimes against humanity. It's us or them. Choose wisely, your soul is at stake.
This is my autobiography. Amazon doesn't want you to see it, they denied me the ability to self publish it. They say it may mislead you. It's probably no big deal, it just outlines in explicit detail Top Secret information about corruption in our government.
Look at the date (July 17th) the date Barry released a letter to the "Librarians." Ironically, it's the same date I released my Presidential ad. This is a coded message sent to all the CIA analysts that are called "Librarians" to ensure that there are eyes on this. What they do is limit the reach and scope of my data so nobody sees it on the internet. It's a sneaky trick called censorship.
Barry, instead of reaching out to the librarians to cover this up, why don't you warn people of the pending false flag terror attacks our government plans to carry out against us?