We've been Double Crossed.


End the Government Assassination Program of Whistleblowers

End the CIA's Drug Running

End Government's Involvement in Sex Trafficking

Throughout the years the government has quelled any dissent by assassinating individuals that attempt to expose government corruption. From the days of the Nixon Administration where he had to be pardoned, in part, for planning the murder of journalist Jack Anderson, to President Bush (41's) assassination of Danny Casolaro, to Clinton's assassination of Vince Foster, to Bush (43's) assassination of Gary Webb and even Tim Russert who dared to ask Bush and Kerry during the 2004 election about their membership in the Brotherhood of Death, aka Skull and Bones, to President Obama murdering Seth Rich and targeting journalist Bilal Abdul Kareem, there is a long line of abuse of Presidential authority to quell dissent by murdering anyone that exposes their corruption. At what point are we going to stop this nonsense and reject the "official version" of facts fed to us through their propaganda machines (the MSM)?

In the case of Kareem v. Haspel, the government (under President Trump) successfully argued they could invoke "State Secrets" to assassinate an American citizen, Mr. Kareem, overseas if they could argue it was a "National Security" concern. This, in effect, allows the POTUS to kill any American citizen overseas without a trial or the ability of the courts to intervene as long as they can make a national security issue of it. The recent ruling in Trump v. U.S., the Supreme Court has given immunity to any President that wants to kill or did kill an American citizen using the ideology in the Kareem v. Haspel case, invoking State Secrets under the guise it's a concern for national security. The government doesn't even have to show the evidence as to why they want to murder a U.S. citizen without a trial. This is what's called sovereign immunity where "The King can do no wrong" and is why we fought the Revolutionary War. This places the 2024 election as the most important election in history, as Trump will use these rulings to murder anyone he wants. In fact, on April 19, 2020, Trump sent an assassination squad to attempt to murder me for exposing government corruption, just as his predecessor, Obama did when he sent his assassin, Clark County Sheriff's Sergeant Rick Torres, to assassinate me. In the wrong hands our country is in peril and this is why a vote for me is a vote to end this tyrannical rule. I will invoke these same powers, however, instead of hiding behind a veil of secrecy, I will openly send in SEAL Team 6 to extrajudicially execute those that have abused the system, just as the Bush, Clinton, Obama, Trump, and Biden regimes have done for generations. I will make a Blacklist of the offenders that are committing treason, murder, aiding and abetting government sanction drug running, and sex trafficking. And, I'll start with all 535 members of Congress.

The invasion of Afghanistan was orchestrated, in part, to continue the CIA drug running and money-laundering operations. In 2002, when Bush ordered the invasion of Afghanistan, there were 10 tons of heroin being produced in the country. After almost two decades of war, this grew from 10 tons to over 500 tons of heroin with over 125 tons of heroin imported into the United States using governmnent and private resources. This was done under the watchful eye of our drones, which the Chinese hacked by providing the microchips for the drones. The same data our troops were using to monitor the war and drug running operations was being sent directly to China, hence, the Chinese were watching the drug running taking place in real time. The Chinese know who was running the heroin out of Afghanistan and each country that received shipments of the CIA's heroin. Our Presidents and Congress are being extorted by the Chinese and are laundering money through Ukraine in the war against "Russia." The government does not want you to know this and has listed me as public enemy #1. They've attempted to assassinate me 5 different times, frame me for a murder-for-hire, then attempted to frame me for the murder of my neighbor, who they had murdered on July 8, 2020 which is another of the sanctioned murders by our government based on "National Security." My neighbor was just a casualty of these unjust "wars" like the "War on Drugs" and the fake "War on Terror" and the recent "Plandemic."

In addition to running drugs, our children are being trafficked through our family courts. This has been going on for decades in a government sanctioned sex trafficking operation called the Monarch Program. Children are targeted for this program using the unauthorized surveillance techniques our government is using to track every individual in America. They target vulnerable children, particularly ones that have been sexaually abused, and "enlist" them in their program to be sexually trafficked and/or used as a tool by the CIA. The courts are used as a bulwark against loving parents of children that are targeted for the Monarch Program, and continue to protect this sex trafficking program. In fact, I filed a recall petition against Governor Jay Inslee for doing this exact thing. It was dismissed by the Secretary of State in Washington, Kim Wyman, because the recall petition was filed within 6 months of the election. She was rewarded by President Biden and given a job in the federal election integrity unit (CISA) for her dismissal of the recall petition and none of this has been reported by our "mainstream media."

The illegal operation called QAnon was a military operation run by Blue Huber of the 201st Military Intelligence Bn. It was orchestrated by President Trump to find the backup tapes Jeffrey Epstein had of the people caught in his blackmail operation. In addition, the QAnon Operation was designed to be a means of communication between the government and the mainstream media to continue the propaganda campaign designed to indoctrinate and radicalize a segment of the population. This culminated in the January 6th, 2020 "insurrection." Many of these people were radicalized through the QAnon Operation and were entrapped by our own government.

There has been no better protector of the pedophiles and sex traffickers ensnared in Epstein's blackmail operation than Presidents Trump and Biden. That is why there has never been any of the clients of Epstein exposed and prosecuted by our corrupt Department of Justice. In fact, they've been protected by the FBI under FBI Director Wray. This was the reason Twitter shut down the QAnon group, as there were true patriots that were exposing and sharing this sex-trafficking network. Now, this information is solely in the hands of Elon Musk who is nothing but a modern day Howard Hughes, operating his corporations as money-laundering vessels for the CIA, while at the same time silencing the network that was working on Twitter to expose the sex trafficking network operating in the United States by government officicals. The QAnon Operation worked too well and it had to be shut down. This is why Musk purchased Twitter and turned it into a private corporation.

On day 1, I will sign an executive order listing sex trafficking (a crime against humanity) as a form of terrorism and will go after those that aid and abet sex trafficking just as we have gone after other terrorist organizations by first seizing their assets, then sending in "SEAL Team 6" to execute those involved in sex trafficking. Of course, Governor Jay Inslee will be at the top of the list along with his Attorney General, Bob Ferguson, and their miscreants running this sex trafficking operation out of zip code 98666. Bill Gates had better get a protective detail, he's at the top of the list to be extrajudicially executed along with his censorship propagandist Jeff Bezos, the owner of The Washington Post.

Just as citizens of the United States have been censored by social media companies, I will list any social media company or news organization (like The Washington Post and Columbian news organizations) that are aiding and abetting as co-conspirators of this sex trafficking organization. These "media companies" that are largely owned by Hollywood studios, are using misinformation to create the illusion we are living in today by spreading propaganda. The assets of these media organizations and their owners will be seized. They've played an important role in continuing the ruse that our government is altruistic, when in the real world our government is a den of corruption that will assassinate anyone, to include President John F. Kennedy for exposing this multi-generational satanic occult.

We are on the verge of World War III and this is being orchestrated by the members of our government using the same Color Revolution tactics the CIA has used to overthrow 81 different countries. Now, they are trying to abrogate our Constitution by implementing the New World Order, turning our Constitutional rights over to unelected officials at the United Nations who have been coopted by the terrorist organization known as the World Economic Forum.

If we don't stop them, they will continue these pandemics and/or they will start World War III to reduce the population. Their goal is to kill over 9 out of 10 people on this planet and there's nothing stopping them. As we speak, President Biden has orchestrated the border disaster which is designed to overwhelm our resources and cause starvation and famine. Our food supply is in peril, with the cattle herds at an all-time low, while at the same time the government is withholding water from farmers to grow food. Do we really want to go down the same road Russia was subjected to during the collapse of the Soviet Union? They were literally being fed people because of the famine and millions of lives were lost to starvation. You are the only one that can save yourself by voting for me. Or, you can stay in the same system that's gotten us in this situation and vote for the psychopaths the CIA has put forth to continue their continued quest to enslave humanity.

L'Hommedieu (The Man God) is a hard name to remember let alone spell, so when it comes time to vote, vote for Jesus Christ.

an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background